Wednesday, July 13, 2005

...and now back to our regularly scheduled program

Ok. So here's the deal. We just got home late Monday night from my graduation in NJ and we are leaving for NJ again on Friday (yes this Friday)for a family reunion. So I had from Tuesday to Thursday to get many things done that I have been avoiding that desperately need doing. Last night I was feeling frustrated so before I went to bed I made a list and resolved to tackle it first thing in the morning.(See above photo) There are many things that aren't listed, you know, the kind of things you trip over while going down the stairs and say "I better move that soon before someone gets hurt", or shove to the side rather than simply place into the sink...yeah that stuff. The *obvious* stuff. So, what did I do?

Well, I did what every obsessive knitter would do and I opened my Last Minute Knitted Gifts book and started a hat for a little girl. Thing is...I have a son! So why do you ask am I knitting a hat for a little girl...well, because I'd rather knit something than tackle the things on that list. But wait! It gets worse. I told myself that I would do all "that stuff" after my son goes to bed. And what pray tell do you ask happened after the little darling headed off to the land of Nod? Well I did the obvious thing...I met my friend Jess at Barnes and Noble to knit and talk. I am almost finished with the hat and tomorrow is a new day so I'll leave the list out on the kitchen table and put away my knitting books and see what happens...stay tuned!


Blogger Jennifer said...

Seems like a logical thing to do! :)

10:03 AM  

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