Monday, August 22, 2005

Now I am not one to go for college dorm furniture but I just couldn't resist this cube storage thing at Target. I was feeling that my stash needed a more prominent location so when I saw this I scooped it up.

All my yarn used to reside in this cabinet but it was dark and I could never really see what I had. Plus there wasn' t a lot of room so things were spilling out. Once I moved everything to the cube storage I was like, "What? That's all the yarn I have? That's it?!" It really seemed like more in the cabinet. It did. (My husband was in the room and shuddered when he heard me say that.) So now I feel free. Free to mingle and fondle to dream and imagine all the colors...yes I am free to go to all the upcoming wool festivals without guilt! Plus, for $14 I can add 6 more cubes! That's what we that expands with our S.E.X's!!

Oh, and I found these cute notecards at Michael's in their $1 bins!

Believe it or not I don't have anything on the needles right now but plan on casting something on (not sure yet) tonight or tomorrow. I'm waiting for inspiration to strike.


Blogger LisaB said...

I love those Target cube things. We got some for our closet top shelf to organize all my sweaters. Never thought of using them for yarn storage... :)

2:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roger took one look and immediately said "you have more" *giggle* I guess in my mind my stash is smaller because it is in three (or four if you count the car) places :o) I like your cubes ;o)

2:38 PM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

I love that storage idea! If I didn't have cats I'd be all over it.

4:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

my cats would love to curl up in one of those cubes filled with yarn! I LOVE your rug!! So pretty!

11:24 PM  
Blogger Laurie (Moo!) said...

I like those wire cubes! It gives the room a "yarn store" feel.

I did the same thing but got the Target pseudo-wood cubes. Had to put them all together myself. But some of them have doors and a few have drawers and others are just open. I'll have to post a picture on my blog.

1:54 PM  

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